类型:古装,谍战,恐怖 / 地区:韩国 / 年份:2016
主演:克莱尔·弗兰妮 戈登·克拉普 Javed Jaffrey 凯蒂·菲德斯通 渡边凯 劳拉·弗雷泽 Xosé Manuel
简介:It is Byeong-Heon’s dream to become a film directoIt is Byeong-Heon’s dream to become a film director. He starts to write scenarios to debut after quitting his production team due to his trouble with the assistant director. A television production team starts to film his daily life and preparation for a documentary film, but he turns out to be the epitome of laziness. He drinks every single day; it takes longer than 8 hours for him to wake up and get his computer to boot; for over an hour, all he does is to come up with the title and the right font design; and he returns to pubs. Beom-Su, who is ahead of his debut as a production director, Seung-Bo, who is also yet to debut as a cinematographer, and Young-Hyeon, an actor who had never had a major role yet, all wrangle over cheap alcohol every other night. Not only that, Byeong-Heon visits his ex-wife and the 2-year-old daughter and makes a mess every time he gets drunk. So the production team loses their interest and ends up calling for an emergency meeting.法国一代歌王塞吉·甘斯布的传记片《歌王传》于19日在巴黎开拍,影片导演是以奇思妙想著称的漫画家尤安·史法。该片是好莱坞环球影业投拍的第一部法语对白电影,拍摄周期为13个星期,预定在2010年上映。《歌王传》是继《玫瑰人生》和《艺术先锋香奈尔》之后又一部备受瞩目的传记大片。影片将从二战期间巴黎街头一个...Smart Lady利用新开发的播音机让所有人翩翩起舞,并派出Orphnoch企图夺回腰带,乾巧变身迎战。而那台播音机其实还有一个功能……A night of Halloween fun turns into a nightmare for some friends who become the unwitting stars of a sadistic filmmaker's slasher movie.剧情基于真实事件改编,这是一个幸存者林达尔的故事,十一岁时在澳大利亚图文巴上一所名校中受到教师凯文·盖伊的性侵犯。她为正义而战的勇气被托付给了一位当地的律师斯蒂夫·罗切,他决心要立案,让林达尔从她的痛苦中解脱出来。在他志向远大的合伙人和一位案件出席律师鲍勃·梅耶的帮助下,律师斯蒂夫·罗切和林达尔找到...故事发生于云南边境的一个佤族小镇,岩赛是一个专门拉客偷渡去缅甸的摩托车司机,一天,他拉上了一个神秘的外来乘客,乘客的种种奇怪言行让岩赛渐觉不安。两人经过镖牛的祭祀,穿过茂密的丛林,一路暗中窥探彼此,眼看就要越过边境,却不料边防警察的突然出现打乱了他们的心思,紧张的盘问之际,一场突如其来的过云雨将彼此...谁知道孟郎中此时却看着林氏一字一顿的说道:我相信秀娥。老人家脸上那流于表面的凝重神情简直不要太过明显,慕浅分明在他微微睁大的眼睛里看到了一丝兴奋。メ~テレ(名古屋テレビ)は、鈴木福くん主演の“OKB大垣共立銀行創立120周年記念ドラマ「ボクのお年玉はどこ?」(仮題)”を、2017年冬に東海地区ローカルで放送することを決定し、同ドラマの制作へ向けて“お年玉”にまつわるエピソードの一般募集を開始した。投稿されたエピソードはドラマのネタとして使用される可能性があるほか、エピソードの投稿者のなかから120人に、抽選で同銀行のキャラクターグッズ(パディントンベア)の詰め合わせがプレゼントされる企画や、ドラマの監督が選んだ10の投稿者にはお年玉1万円がプレゼントされる企画が用意されている。详情