Dutch Hollow - 电影
类型:科幻,古装,谍战 / 地区:香港 / 年份:2016
主演:苏姗·瓦德 莎拉·巴克斯顿 莱斯利-安·唐恩 蕾·泰勒-杨 谢丽·萨姆 胡凯莉
简介:霍老爷子只当她害羞,需要自己消化消化那封信,因此并不阻拦,只是笑着看她离去。顾潇潇试探的问了一句:你霍老爷子只当她害羞,需要自己消化消化那封信,因此并不阻拦,只是笑着看她离去。顾潇潇试探的问了一句:你觉得早恋不好?守正(邱淑贞 饰)是一名警察,最经,一个噩梦常常在午夜困扰着她,梦中,被残忍杀害的女子和诡异的现场成为了守正心头挥之不去的阴影。一次行动中,守正奉命追捕一名逃犯,在此过程中,对使用枪械一无所知的守正竟然精准的开枪击中的匪徒,之后眼前出现的场面让守正绝望的意识到,她的噩梦成为了现实,一场和宗教有关的连...Loosely based on the gruesome case of the Lonely Hearts Killers, who murdered as many as 20 women in the 1940s, Alleluia is not for the faint-hearted. Gloria (Lola Dueñas, Volver), a single mother and morgue attendant, reluctantly goes on a dinner date with shoe salesman Michel (Laurent Lucas, In My Skin) after her friend sets up an online dating profile on her behalf. The night turns into one of smoldering passion, but after Michel disappears with some of her money, she tracks him down and learns the truth: He is a con artist who seduces and robs women. Instead of admonishing him or demanding her money back, though, love-struck Gloria asks if she can accompany him on his next grift. Soon, the two are working as a pair, posing as siblings and fleecing widows, but when Gloria’s jealous tendencies turn obsessive and violent, the game becomes something far more sinister, savage, and psychotic. Alleluia is a hypnotic and blood-soaked psychological thriller, the latest bit of squirm-inducing horror from Belgian director Fabrice Du Welz (Calvaire, also starring Lucas) that refuses to loosen its grip even after its sublime final moments.乔治有一种特异功能,可以同时存在于无数可能世界。但是他死了,连脑也给人偷走。顺著两名侦探的线索,我们进入了乔治的存在多面体。他在不同时空仍寻觅他一爱再爱的乔伊丝,但这个灵魂伴侣却时而是他妻子,时而是陌生人。Justin is a young man bullied into working for his domineering father as an ad salesman. While on a trip south of Austin, Justin crashes his car in front of Jack's Angora rabbit ranch and he is forced to spend the night. But the night after is a choice as the two men fall in love, despite their age difference. Justin is in his early twenties and Jack is approaching fifty. Thrown in for humor is Jack's increasingly senile father who also lives at the ranch. He's a natural meddler and that combined with his memory loss leads to some hysterical situations. Justin learns how to love his own intolerable father and gains the confidence to pursue his artistic dreams. With modern recordings of 1920's jazz tunes by the Kris Kimura Quintet, Angora Ranch swings with the adventure of passionate love and self discovery.一名学习成绩优异但性格懦弱的菜鸟警察,为了成功完成他的第一个任务--与一名充满敌意、性格孤僻的资深警察联手抓捕一名逍遥法外的连环杀手,他必须勇敢起来,克服恐惧。@游目骋观影《秋野春潮》故事发生在云南,布依青年正遭遇逼婚,愁眉不展的他去找还在读中学的阿莲,阿莲本想正带她到大城市开始新生活,可阿莲较早辍学的同学阿兰的遭遇给了她当头一棒。当弟弟传统婚礼临近的时候,正发现他的朋友海深陷在离婚的阴影中,海在摇曳的烛光中总能看见一个女子……影片以一段尘封的魔教教主炼尸往事拉开序幕,竹马恋人再度相遇不料已侠魔相隔。此时,女魔头为非作歹,蛊惑人间,正义联盟乘势集结,逆势改命。详情